Blackbuck Antelope Hunting in Texas
Blackbuck Hunts
One of the most popular Texas exotic animals to hunt
The Blackbuck antelope is one of the most popular exotic animals hunted in Texas. Introduced in the Edwards Plateau region of Texas in 1932, they were one of the first of the “Texotics” that were stocked for hunting on the Farrell Ranch in the late 1970’s. Originally, from the Indian subcontinent, the animals have flourished on private exotic game hunting ranches throughout Texas with numbers now approaching 35,000. The Blackbuck males are born brown with white highlighting the eyes, ears, muzzle, underbelly and rump but they darken to black as they begin to mature at 2-1/2 years. Interestingly, the blackbuck reverts back to the brown/mottled black coloring in late March, only to begin darkening back to black again in late September. The males are usually 29-33 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh an average of 83 pounds on the hoof. The beautiful, long, v shaped ringed horns can grow up to 30” but for Blackbuck Hunters in Texas, anything over 18” is a true trophy and anything over 20” is considered very exceptional. The main limiter in growing longer horns in Texas is the winterkill, which unfortunately seems to affect primarily the older, longer horned Blackbucks.
The antelope’s diet includes mainly grasses but as summer conditions dry this vegetation, they turn to consuming more browse. Few bucks live past 12 years especially in the northern and western parts of Texas. The females are tan with white highlights like the males but never darken. Usually hornless, the females stand 28 inches tall and weigh around 55-60 pounds when they reach maturity at about 18 months. The usual time between births is six months with a gestation period of 5 months with births occurring at any time of the year.
Social units of Blackbuck consist of female groups, mixed groups of both sexes, bachelor groups, and territorial (mature) bucks. The mature bucks will dominate prime grazing areas in a specific territory consisting of up to 40-45 acres. The bucks tend to stay in their territories with the female groups “visiting” the bucks in each territory as they also seek prime grazing areas.
The meat of the blackbuck antelope is fine-grained, excellent with fruit and wine sauces and has a delicate and mild flavor. Being all natural with no added hormones or antibiotics, it is lower in cholesterol than chicken, 1/3 the calories of beef and has less than 3% fat.
Trophy Blackbucks on the Farrell Ranch are very challenging and exciting to hunt as they are continuously on the move within their territory- grazing, defending it from other male interlopers and seeking out any visiting females. Hunts are typically conducted safari style (spot and stalk) or from make shift temporary blinds as the Blackbucks rarely visit or stay long at a feeder. The best time to hunt trophy Black buck on the Farrell Ranch is October thru early March when their characteristic black coat is the darkest.
To price your Trophy Blackbuck hunt simply add the Daily Fees of the type of hunt you want to the Blackbuck Trophy Fee shown below. There are no extra fees for that “unusual” or “over 18 inch” Blackbuck. These prices are for any mature Blackbuck on the Ranch.
Texas Blackbuck Hunts on Farrell Ranch are for 3 days and 2 nights beginning with hunter check-in at 1:30PM on the first day and check out by 11AM on the last day. Extra hunt days can be purchased with prior notice. Airport transportation and shipment of meat can be arranged.
Daily Fees
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$450.00 per day per Hunter | Includes: Lodging, meals and daily guide fees, Ranch transportation, field dressing of game, temporary cold storage | Not included: Texas Blackbuck Trophy Fees, hunting licenses, tips, ammunition, alcohol, ice, transportation to and from Ranch, skinning, quartering, taxidermy, meat processing and or shipment |
$225.00 per day per Observer | Includes: Lodging, meals and Ranch transportation while accompanying Hunter | Not included: Transportation to and from Ranch, alcohol |
$300.00 per day per Hunter | Includes: Daily guide fees, Ranch transportation, field dressing of game, temporary cold storage | Not included: Texas Blackbuck Trophy Fees, lodging and meals, alcohol, ice, hunting licenses, tips, ammunition, transportation to and from Ranch, skinning, quartering, taxidermy, meat processing and or shipment |
$150.00 per day per Observer | Includes: Ranch transportation while accompanying Hunter | Not included: Transportation to and from Ranch, lodging and meals, alcohol |
Some outfitters keep all prepaid Trophy /Harvest Fees whether or not a Hunter is successful in taking their animal. On the Farrell Ranch, our policy is simple- if you don’t get your animal as specified in the Hunting Agreement, you are refunded the appropriate prepaid Trophy/Harvest Fees.
All prices show include cash or check discount from standard pricing.
3% convenience fee will apply for all transactions made with credit cards or through electronic transfers.
A tip to the guide consisting of up to 10% of the Trophy or Harvest Fee (per animal/hunter) is customary in the Texas hunting industry. If you don’t receive the highest level of expected attention, feel free to reflect that discrepancy in your tip given.

Pat Farrell
11645 HWY. 6
Meridian, TX. 76665
Cell: 254.315.0303
Email Us
Click here for directions
Ranch Hunting Season
October through March